
Applications of Permutations in Probability and Real Life

Permutation is an integral concept of combinatorics, an important branch of mathematics. By definition, it refers to arranging the elements of a dataset or group in all possible ways with and without repeating any element. It is a bit of a complex concept that many students think has only theoretical significance, which is totally wrong.

Rather, it is used in many cases where you have to estimate the probability of occurrence of an event. Apart from that, it also has many real-life applications that many people are unaware of. If you also think permutations are only limited to solving math problems and have nothing to do with our lives, let’s break the myth.

Real-life Applications of Permutations

Here are some of the prominent scenarios in which permutations are practically applied in both probability and other real-life problems:

●      Probability Of Seating Arrangement

When it comes to organizing an event or competition, the organizers have to first determine the order in which the participants can possibly be seated. Without a proper seating arrangement, different problems can arise that can create disturbance in the crowd. To avoid this situation, experts use permutations to make an estimation of the total number of ways to arrange people in a specific order. For instance, if a total of 15 people are to be seated, the possible number of arrangements will be 15!. This proper planning ensures a smooth execution of an event.

●      Lottery Winning Probability

Many people participate in lotteries in which they have to pick a specific number out of a given number. Many of them choose the number blindly; a few smart ones utilize the power of permutations to determine the possibility of outcomes. For instance, in a 3-digit lottery with numbers ranging from 0 to 9, they can calculate the total number of ways the numbers can be arranged. This helps them make an informed decision, which usually has a higher probability of winning a lottery than others.

●      Ranking Probability In Competitions

Whether it is races, sports tournaments, or talent shows, both participants and organizers need to understand the chances of winning. In this case, permutations help them to understand the possible order in which the players can rank or finish the game. For instance, if a competition has five finalists, the number of ways to arrange their positions in the top three would be P (5,3). This means the 5 players can rank in the top three categories in 60 unique ways.

●      Creating Strong Passwords

Security systems heavily rely on number-based passwords and pins to protect their sensitive data. Permutations enable experts to assess the strength of passwords by calculating the total number of ways the elements can be arranged when order matters. For example, a 4-digit pin with numbers from 0 to 9 has 10,000 possible permutations. Such a password cannot be broken manually, but automated techniques can crack it easily. That’s why the professionals use a pin that has a higher number of permutations so that no one can break it either manually or using other methods.

●      Generating Unique Phone Numbers

When it comes to providing phone numbers to every user in a region, companies have to ensure that two numbers don’t match exactly. Telecommunication service providers utilize permutations with repetition to avoid duplication in numbers. For example, if a company needs to create 10-digit phone numbers where all digits from 0 to 9 are included, the total possible permutations will be 10 billion. This means that 10 billion unique phone numbers can be created when the repetition of every digit is allowed.

●      Making Car Plate Numbers

Another real-life scenario in which permutations are practically applied is making the car plate numbers. Govt organizations have to allot distinct numbers to every vehicle for registration purposes. Permutations play a key role in calculating how many unique combinations can be created using the given number of letters and digits. As the number of vehicles in a country or city increases, the authorities may increase the elements in the car plate number to get more possible permutations. This ensures that every car has a unique identity that doesn’t match others. This distinction allows agencies to track a car by its number plate whenever needed.

●      How Are Permutations Computed?

When you are required to calculate permutations involving small combinations, such as two-digit or four-digit, you can use the manual method. However, when the sample set and elements to be organized increase, complications arise due to the involvement of factorial. This time, you need an advanced automated solution such as

It helps you find the total number of arrangements regardless of how big the dataset is or how many elements are involved. It accurately processes the input values and generates the number of permutations with high precision. This not only eliminates the need for manual efforts but also brings more accuracy to calculations.


In short, permutations are more than just mathematical concepts. They are not just a part of our studies but also our lives. They help in many practical situations to determine the possible arrangement of things, which assists in making the right choices.

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