Why use DevOps for Mobile App Development?

Over the last few years, the world has seen a boom in the number of mobile phone users. People nowadays are relying on mobile devices extensively as they are the main source of accessing the internet. The rapid increase in the number of users further bolsters the fact that there will be no downward trends in mobile app users in the future.

Years ago, when great techies were navigating the wave of digitalization, they aimed to cater to the growing demands of the mobile phone market and expand the presence of mobile phones. However, they completely marginalized factors like app development costs, security, code quality, and maintainability.

With the coming of DevOps into the limelight, the previously neglected elements are coming to the mainstream and are ameliorated. Various app development companies are gradually adopting new methodologies to eliminate the previously faced challenges and provide quality solutions at minimal costs.

And that’s how DevOps came into being…

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a distinct methodology that ensures effective collaboration between all the stakeholders that are involved in crafting digital products. The stakeholders often include project managers, mobile app developers, and members of operation staff. The traditional methodology of software development brought along additional development time, costs, and customer dissatisfaction. DevOps bridges the gap between development and operations and eliminates the challenges associated with software delivery. It would be partially incorrect to call DevOps an approach as it is a state of mind or culture. It influences one’s mindset and improves collaboration along with facilitating tighter integration. It brings onboard agile practices, continuous delivery, and automation to facilitate the development and operations team in the delivery of software timely and securely.

It is not extremely easy to work with DevOps, however, once developers get a hang of it, working with DevOps gets fun. Only then developers will be able to see its effectiveness, productivity, and revenue of it. If you are wondering why use DevOps for mobile app development, here are the perks that it brings along.

Advantages of DevOps in Mobile App Development

Lowers Time to Release

DevOps saves considerable app development time as it boosts cooperation between various teams and departments. It also ensures transparency in the communication process which further causes rapid exchange of data. The iterative nature of DevOps leads to the frequent deployment of codes, testing of regressions, and a faster phase-by-phase release.

Maintains Software Development Quality

DevOps is capable of monitoring all the parts of the code from the inception to the product’s delivery whilst locating and fixing the errors that come in the way. This enables developers to maintain the quality of the app development process. DevOps take care of the entire software development process including the quality of software and ensures efficient monitoring and cooperation.

Tests and Monitors Simultaneously

The innumerable OS versions available make it impossible to test all the versions manually. In the manual testing process, a mobile app might work well during the testing period, however, it does not mean it will work well in the live environment as well. The app’s disruption factors might include power failure, poor network conditions, memory loss, etc. To prevent confrontation of these factors, developers and businesses need to test and monitor continuously via third-party SDKs. That’s where DevOps comes into play.

Efficiently Utilize Resources

DevOps enables the delivery of novel features and updates seamlessly and rapidly. The heavy use of automation is another factor that leads to efficient usage of resources. DevOps relies on automation for enabling instant and frequent releases, right from source code management to developing platforms and testing tools.

Eliminates Bottlenecks

DevOps make processes transparent, and efficient and enhance communication. Its features eliminate several inefficiencies and bottlenecks including manual intervention, inconsistent development environment, Instability, workflow Immaturity, absence of operational practices, and ownership issues. Hence, DevOps can be considered the perfect solution for mobile app development.


Now, it must be clear that there are many benefits of DevOps but the result is always the same. The associated perks can make app development companies game-changers. We at Copperchips, use DevOps to assist our illustrious clientele across the globe to minimize time-to-market while simultaneously capturing new market opportunities. We know how challenging it is to implement DevOps. We feel pride in ourselves in implementing it without many efforts and assisting you in getting industry-reforming digital products.

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