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All about Git and Git Revert

Date: 07-04-2023


What is Git Revert?

Git revert is a command that allows you to undo a commit and revert your code to an earlier state. This command can be considered as an ‘undo’ type command, moreover, it’s not a traditional undo function.

It creates a new commit that is the exact opposite of the commit you want to undo. This new commit accommodates changes that undo the changes introduced by the earlier commit.

It solves how to invert the changes introduced by the commit and adds a new commit with the resulting inverse content. This avoids Git from losing history, which is important for reliable collaboration and the integrity of your revision history.

What is Git?

Git is a popular and powerful version control system that is broadly used in software development. It is a DevOps tool used for source code management.

Generally, It is used for source code management in software development. One of the main features of Git is the capability to revert changes.

When to use Git Revert?

If you want to undo a particular commit without withdrawing it from your Git history then you can use it. This is particularly useful when working on a collaborative project where other members of the team have already started working on top of the commit you want to undo.

In case, if you want to remove a commit and all the changes introduced from your Git history then you can use Git Reset instead of Git Revert because it is used to reset the changes.

How to use Git Revert?

It is very easy to use. The command takes the commit hash of the commit you want to undo as its argument.

We have some steps for you from which you can easily use it:

Step 1: Find the commit hash of the commit you want to revert

To find the commit hash of the commit you want to revert use the Git log command. The commit hash is a unique identifier for the commit.

Step 2: Run Git Revert

To revert a commit, use the Git Revert command followed by the commit hash you want to revert. For example, if the commit hash is abc123, the command would be Git Revert abc123.

Step 3: Review the changes

It will create a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the commit you are reverting. Review the changes in the new commit to make sure that they undo the changes you wanted to undo.

Step 4: Save and commit the changes

Once you have reviewed the changes, save and commit the changes by running the Git commit command.


Git revert is a useful command that permits you to undo changes in your Git repository without removing them from your Git history. This is specifically useful when working on a collaborative project where other team members have already started working on top of the commit you want to undo.

Remember, to use it when you want to undo a specific commit without removing it from your Git history and use Git reset when you want to remove a commit and all the changes it introduced from your Git history.

I hope after reading this blog all your queries about Git and Git Revert come to an end. If you want to understand the full functionalities of Git reset, then stay tuned to our website. Additionally, to know more, I’ll highly suggest going to our website to read and explore more

Tags associated All about Git,collaboration,Git,Git history