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Should PHP Be Used For Web Development In 2022?

Date: 09-05-2022

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a server-side scripting language that is commonly used to develop interactive and highly engaging web applications. It was one of the initial server-side scripting languages that could be embedded into HTML. Further, facilitates the adding of functionalities to web pages without needing to call external files for data. The PHP script is considered to be a very effective technology that contains the necessary tools to facilitate the web development process. Though the use cases of PHP have seen a dramatic shift in recent years, currently it holds a place among the best and most popular programming languages necessary for web development.

Perks Associated with PHP Script

The popularity of PHP Script is the consequence of numerous advantages it brings to the board which makes the language a powerful and effective development tool. This section contains five compelling reasons why PHP can be considered for web development. 

Active and Wide Community

PHP Script now has a wide and active community base to support it. There are tons of tutorials, FAQs, and tips to help new and established PHP developers alike in expanding their knowledge base. A fraction of the wide community can be potential candidates considered for hiring purposes. 

The wide community available to support PHP developers results in high competitiveness and lower demanded wages, which is imperative for reducing development costs. This active and wide community is responsible for sharing updates, suggestions, and improvisations related to PHP Script, which assists PHP in enhancing itself and always running in the league. Besides, PHP is easy to learn and implement. Even junior developers can use it for web development and complete the task assigned within no time. 

Huge Documentation

The presence of an active and wide community ensures huge documentation of any programming language. The same happens with PHP Script. For PHP, many tutorials, manuals, and other reference materials are available which smoothens the web development process and may provide assistance and support in times of crisis. These materials are not only helpful for established developers but also come in handy for junior developers who wish to add specific functionalities to their websites but do not know where to start.

Moreover, these resources include novel and innovative ways to craft a solution in web development. Many PHP forums provide innumerable resources covering almost all kinds of topics related to PHP Script. With PHP, developers do not need to worry about the possibility of facing an issue and not finding its solution.

Enhanced Loading Speed

PHP – based website pages load faster as compared to web pages developed by other web development technologies. For instance, currently, PHP is three times faster than Python. Since the PHP script uses its memory, both workload and loading time are reduced. As a consequence, the processing speed of PHP Script is high, which is an added advantage not only for developers but also for their clients who will receive the product sooner. 

The lower loading time is a vital SEO ranking factor that assists enterprise owners to promote their websites by bringing competitive advantages. By leveraging the higher loading speed of PHP, enterprises benefit by keeping their customers satisfied and further retaining them. 

Wide Options of Databases

Technology along with Data has become an indispensable part of our lives. They are capable of running our world, decisions, and market. Databases are the most crucial part of any website as they store information about one’s business, products, and customer business. They are where businesses house most of the confidential information. Thus, while developing a website businesses need to ensure that they utilize a compatible programming language and integrate them with databases.

Fortunately for PHP-based websites, it is easier to connect websites with any kind of database. This provides PHP developers with the flexibility to choose whichever database they want. The most common choice is MySQL, mainly because it is free and popular among PHP Developers. Other options compatible with PHP Script include mSQL, MS-SQL, SQLite, and much more. The wide options of databases provide PHP Developers with the provision to select the most optimal database by considering all the factors.

Inexpensive Open-Source Software

PHP is open-source software and is free to use. Along with the cost-effectiveness that it offers, it contains a majority of development tools that are usually utilized in combination with PHP Script. Thus, they significantly reduce the project cost. 

PHP, being an open-source software does not require PHP developers to spend monetary resources for any additional licenses or royalty fees. Additionally, there are numerous frameworks like Laravel and Codelgniter and various CMS such as WordPress and Drupal that extend the functionality of PHP script and facilitate the web development process. 

PHP is still one of the most popular programming languages since a considerable share of websites run on this. PHP Script allows users to design and deploy their websites with just a few clicks. This is exactly why the future of PHP language seems bright. However, the different perspectives of PHP raise concerns regarding its future sustainability in web development. For instance, Python attracts more developers than PHP and this trend is likely to continue. Besides, Python contains some attractive features such as machine learning which help it stand superior to PHP. Hence, PHP needs a significant leap in its evolution to match the standards of Python, otherwise, its popularity will wane. 
Considering all the pros and cons of PHP. Business owners now must be in a better position to answer why use PHP for web development. Finally, if you require a custom-built web application but still can’t decide which technology to choose. You should contact us. We at Copperchips will propose the optimal solution specifically for your needs and help you build top-class software.

Tags associated php development,php development company,Web Development,web development company,web development services